Mrwriterfromd's Stories

I write bdsm/kink themed erotic stories which largely feature larger, taller women dominating smaller submissive men. These stories often include abuse of positions of authority, manipulation, gaslighting, and more. As such please check the content warnings for stories before reading! Do not replicate the behaviour seen in these stories. I do not depict healthy relationships or lifestyles and do not condone the behaviour of these characters. Roleplaying is fun, abuse is not.

I write purely because I enjoy it, and in the hope some day I'll find someone who shares my interests!

If you enjoyed my work and want to know more about the author: click here.

Copyright © 2023 by Mrwriterfromd (penname). All rights reserved. No portion of this written material may be reproduced in any form 

without the express written permission of the publisher or author, except as permitted under British (UK) copyright law.